
What is Required?

  1. You need to have another program that currently holds this information.
  2. The other program needs to have the ability to export this data in a comma delimited value file (CSV) or into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.  The fields in this file must be PARTNUMBER, INVENTORY.
  3. Your part numbers used in your other program must be the same part numbers you use in MasterQ
  4. Some programs add field descriptions in the first line of the file when they export data.  We recommend avoiding this if possible.  If your exported data does include this descriptive line you have the option of skipping the first line during the import process.
The contents of a typical part inventory import data file might look like this:
071-102-5T, 0.00
071-102-6N, 1340.00
Negative numbers are allowed.
The fields must be in the proper order, however, they do not need to be sorted in numerical or alphabetical order.
NOTE:  If you do not currently use another program for maintaining inventories  contact Agenda Development for options.