
MIR Token Substitutions

When creating MIR documents, the following tokens are available to you.  All occurrences will be replaced when the document is created.
This token
Will be replaced by this
Date the quote was issued
Quote number
Effective date of quote
Who the quote is addressed to (usually a first name / last name), could also be the contact
Name for an RGA if the drip is associated with an RGA.  If no quote or RGA is related to the drip, the name of the Person specified is used.
Title Firstname Lastname, eg: Mr. Bob Smith
As shown on quote.  Ie – “one week”
Ship via from Quote, or if not specified in quote, from Customer record
FOB from quote or if not specified, from customer record
Terms from quote or if not specified, from customer record
Dollar amount of credit allowed
Mon – Fri as shown in customer record
From customer record
Sales person or rep name from Salesman account associated with customer
from Salesman record
from Salesman record
from Salesman record
from Salesman record
from Salesman record
formatted City-State-Zip from Salesman record specified in customer record
The name of the country the sales rep is located in.  Country is already included in SalesRepCSZ if needed.
The salesman telephone area code
The salesman telephone number
The salesman fax area code
The salesman fax telephone number
The salesman email
Customer Number
Customer Name from customer record
First address line from quote or if NA, from customer record
Second address line from Quote or if NA, from customer record
Formatted City, State  Zip Code from 1) Quote, or 2) RGA or 3) Person or 4) Customer
from 1) quote document or 2) person or 3) customer record
from 1) quote document or 2) person or 3) customer record
from 1) quote document or 2) person or 3) customer record
Formatted mailing address
Phone area code from 1) person or 2) customer record
Phone number from 1) person or 2) customer record
Extension from person record
Fax area code from 1) person or 2) customer records
Fax number from 1) person or 2) customer records
Cell area code from person record
Cell number from person record
Email address from person record
from customer record
from customer record
Date of last purchase from customer record.  Requires importing sales history
Date of last quote from customer record
Today’s date in format MM/DD/YY
Today’s date in format mmmmmmmmm dd, yyyy   
Time the document was generated in format: HH:MM XM
Time the document was generated in military time format:  ie 23:30
First name of the People record associated with this drip
Last name of the People record associated with this drip
Preferred way to address the person.  Eg - what would follow DEAR _________
Examples might be “John” or “Ms. Smith” or “Dr. Jones”.  This is specified in the People record.
Person’s title at company.  eg- “Vice President of Engineering”
The name of the user who initiated this drip as listed in the program user file
The initials of the user who initiated this drip as contained in the program user file

MIR Template Tips

If keywords occur more than once in your document, all occurrences will be replaced with the new value.
Case does not matter.  $Address1 and $aDdReSs1 will both be replaced by the first line of the person's address.
The replacement values will use the style of the keyword.  If your quote template has the word $Contact (formatted as shown) the replacement value might be Bob Jones.  If the keyword $CustomerNumber is formatted as shown, the replaced value might be A1001.
You are not required to use any or all of the keywords in your quote.  They are available to use if you wish.
Keywords may be placed anywhere in the document, including the header and footer.