Program Features

MasterQ is intended to help manufacturers and distributors sell more effectively.  Our primary customer uses quote proposals to sell a number of items in a business-to-business model. 
MasterQ will:
  • Help you create quotes quicker than you ever thought possible.
  • Let you build persuasive descriptions one time and re-use them in every quote you create.
  • Enable you to quote confidently.  Product documentation, inventories, shipment histories, previously quoted prices, as well as other product information you need.
  • Increase sales of ancillary items that you might otherwise forget to quote.
  • Keep track of your competitors, their pricing, their part numbers and quickly visit their websites when the need arises.
In this section, we will review some of the features that are common throughout the MasterQ program as well as other Agenda Development software.
Next:  Browsing Tips