Creating Customer Records Directly

Information about your customers is kept in a special database.  Once a customer is in this system, you may easily select the customer when creating a quote and all relevant information will be copied into the document.  (of course, you can change it if you need to)
This same database is used by other Agenda Development programs when issuing RGAs or creating NAFTA documents.

Who can create a Customer record?

To create or change a customer record your user account must have the Edit Customer Records option box checked, or your user record must show that you are a super user of MasterQ Manager.  (Other Agenda Development programs may also give access to these features in their user set-up procedures.)
You can watch a video showing how to add a customer and explaining some of the key features here: Adding New Customer Video

Creating a Customer record

The easiest way to add a new customer record is to press the shortcut button at the top of the MasterQ window.
But you may also create a new customer record from the Customer list.  Use the command BROWSE|CUSTOMERS from the main menu.  Then press the Insert key, or right click the customer list and select Insert.