Setting Customer Options

The customer tab in the system record is used to set the way MasterQ behaves when working with your customers. 
First, keep in mind that you do not have to be concerned about numbering your customers.  MasterQ will work just fine allowing you to select customers by using their name.  It's easy to remember and almost as quick as using customer numbers.
If you don't use customer ID numbers in other programs, we recommend option 3 below.  But please continue reading.  This won't take long.
If you do use another program which assigns customer ID numbers, we strongly recommend you use the same numbering system in MasterQ.  It will make life easier in the long run.

Selecting the Customer Numbering Method

The method of assigning customer numbers is set in the System record.  To change the system record, select Tools- System Setup / Authorized Users from the main menu.  NOTE:  Your user account must be designated as a MasterQ Manager or SuperUser to edit the system record.
New Customer Numbering: Manual
Checking the manual option requires you to enter a customer ID number for each customer.  This is the best option to use if another software system uses customer ID numbers as long as you enter every prospective customer into that other software system before creating a quote for them. 
NOTE:  Even if you check off another type of option, you still have the ability to change the suggested customer ID numbers.
New Customer Numbering: Automatic
Check this option to enable additional options in the Automatic Numbering Mode.
Simple Numbering
This option uses digits and letters to create a customer code.  This is a good option if your other systems do not use customer ID numbers. 
MasterQ will automatically assign a customer number to each new account when this option is selected.  These account "numbers" actually consist of letters and digits, although the letters "O" and "I" are not used to avoide being confused with one's and zero's.  This numbering system is very efficient, even two character customer numbers can cover 1,089 customers.  Three digits will handle 35,937 and if you need it, 4 characters would cover 1,185,921 customers.
Last Number Assigned
Each time a customer number is assigned, it's value is saved here.  In the example above, the next customer ID number would be AC
New Customers Use PR prefix
This is a handy feature if your other software systems do assign customer ID numbers, but you choose not to enter prospective customers into that system until they become active.  When the customer becomes a "real" customer by ordering and they are then added to your other system and assigned a permanent customer ID number, you will need to combine the two customer records into one.  For more information, click here.
Warn When Other Customers are in the Same Zip Code
Checking this option will display other customers in the same zip code when you create a new customer record.  This may be helpful in eliminating duplicate customer errors in some circumstances.  It is more beneficial if you have a relatively small number of customers in each zip code... typical of a Business to Business model.  It might be less beneficial to companies quoting to retail customers, especially in a limited geographical area.
NOTE:  You are not prevented from entering more than one customer in one zip code even if this option is selected.
Recalculate 12 Months Sales When Opening Customer Record
Checking this option will total up the last 12 months sales for a given customer every time you open their record.  This insures that the 12 month previous sales number is always up to date.  However, it may cause a slight delay when opening each customer record.  The amount of the delay will depend on how many sales transactions each customer has as well as the speed of your computer and network. 
If un-checked, the 12 months previous sales history is only updated when you specifically request it.